hello.. im a 15 year old girl who HAD really thick n puffy hair. last year i went to chemically straighten it, but it didnt work as it curled back. then at the end of last year (after 7 months of the straightening) i started to lose hair enough for me to take notice of this, but not as much as now n it's really worrying T.T
i dno whether it has anything to do wif d stress im having or tying my hair 24/7 except when sleeping, or growing my hair long (after years of having medium length hair), or my eating habits (on n off diets, but not anorexic)...
please give me some advice... it'll mean a lot to me because its sad seeing my hair drop off everytime i wash it or comb it... i fear i'll get bald :(
thanks :)
Hair loss?! :(?
it could mean that your hair is getting hurt by the hot curler or just maybe you need to make a doctor appoiment for it may be a disease if your hair started sheered out of no where
Hair loss?! :(?
hair works from the inside out so start taking some:
Silicia Gel the tabs or the liquid.
Rosemary herbs
Nettle herbs.
Hair loss?! :(?
I have the same problem. Mine is related to my diet, because I am a picky eater and dont get all the nutrients I need. Try taking a mutivitamin. It helped grow my hair back, and made me feel better in general! Hope I helped and good luck!
Hair loss?! :(?
Erm go to the dococter and explain your syptomes you will probly get transferred to a specialist to see whats wrong.
Hair loss?! :(?
nope.........your gonna go bald
you'd look like that guy that answered your question first........rofl
Hair loss?! :(?
Believe me, the straitening and pulling is doing it. I've got perms before and my hair started to fall out. Don't worry, it will grow back.
Hair loss?! :(?
hair goes in to different cycles.. you have a period of growth and then you have a period where your hair goes into a rest state.... if can be affected by stress.. if it is in the rest state stress can prolong the rest state ...( my 5 yr old 's hair became extremely thin about 2 yrs ago... we took her to Texas Childrens Hospital... the D.R. explained these cycles to us..The reason her hair thin so was because she was experiencing high stress due to hurricane Rita damaging our house so that we could not live in it... so her hair stayed in the rest period for an extended time from the stress and had no growth periods... Noticed a remarkable change in her hair once our life returned to normal...
However, I have extremely thick hair that is down to the middle of my back.. I do keep it pulled in ponytail most of the time.... I do lose alot of hair... daily.
I would go talk to a D.R... my daughter was sent to a dermatoligist for this... she has long thick hair again
Hair loss?! :(?
If ur dealing with falling hair i think its best if u change ur shampoo to a milder one. Also avoid using too much of conditioner cause it makes the hair roots oily and greasy making the hair to fall of easily. If u have bald patches in ur scalp that's a different thing we call that alopecia areata and the cause of this: 80% genetic (meaning hereditary) and 20% are due to stress. try to consult ur dermatologist for evaluation bec there's a big differince in the treatment of the 2.Because in the treatment of alopecia we usually do Intralesional Injection of Steroids + Minoxidil. while in cases of falling hair. We only give Hair grower shampoo for our patients and its also effective.Gudluck...I hope I answered your question.
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