Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hair Help?!?!?

I have naturally medium brown hair. I went to get highlights done but they messed up big time. I ended up with red and blonde hair completley with no brown in sight. I tried to dye it back with brown hair dye but it didnt completly cover it i put another brown dye on about 10 min after words which turned it black. The next day I put a blonde dye on my hair to lighten it but nothing changed. Then I put another blonde on 10 min after words with still no change. A day later I found a hair dye that makes your black or brown hair 3 shades lighter than what it is. I tried it and it lightened it but not enough so 10 min later a put another box on. Now my hair is a light blackish color with soem grey in it. What should I do to get it light brown by tomorrow? I cant get it done professionaly because they said there product are to strong and my hair will fall out from so much coloring. PLEASE help me i need it light brown by tomorrow!!!!!!!!

Hair Help?!?!?

Oh my Gosh! You should have asked what to do before you went on the crazy coloring binge! Professional product is no stronger than what you would buy at Walmart. If you find a good colorist, they will be able to put it back (well, as close as it gets), but they are definately going to charge you. I'm guessing around $200. Kinda steep, but can you really put a price on looking normal by tomorrow? It's hard to say what went wrong in the first place, but if there were any metallic dyes in any of ther other products that you used, it will be impossible to put it back. You will either have to cut it off, or grow it off. So sorry dude, Hope this helps. Good luck!

Hair Help?!?!?

Sounds crazy...

By tommorow, eh?

Buy the wig well.

Hair Help?!?!?

sorry to be so blunt but I'm surprised it hasn't fallen out already. I had the same problem with my hair. whatever u do, DON'T USE ANYTHING THAT LIGHTENS YOUR HAIR for at least a month. Try some actual brown hair dye and leave it on for about 10 min. longer than your supposed to. That's probably the only chance you have. good luck to you!

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