Monday, July 27, 2009

Hair coloring disaster?

I have naturally medium blond hair, and I have had high lights in it for a while, but they were starting to grow out, so I had a friend try and touch up my roots. Well long story, but I ended up with my entire head a really ugly, trashy bleach blonde.I am deffinitly not going to try coloring my hair at home again. So this morning I went to my hair salon and had them fix it, but now it is way too dark. Its like a medium/dark brown and I think it looks really funny on me because I am natually fair skinned, I want my old medium blonde hair back so badly, but the hair stylist recomended that I don't color my hair again any time soon until it grows out because it was so badly damaged by the bleach. Is there any way I can lighten my hair with out damaging it any more? Will sunlight/ tanning lighten it up or just make it worst?

Hair coloring disaster?

Just keep washing your hair and use a REALLY good conditioner.

Johnsons baby shampoo works really well, as will any clarifying shampoo. After washing a while, it will gradually lighten. Just be sure you condition. Wait a while and go back to the salon to get some medium blond highlights put back in to lighten it.

Hair coloring disaster?

Try lemon juice or one of those "Sun Up" (or whatever they're called) products from Walmart.. it uses the sun to naturally lighten it , but may take some time.. I would just wait and use a REALLY good conditioner (Redken, or even Pantene) to get your hair back in shape and then go back to the hair stylist and have her see what she can do!

Hair coloring disaster?

Sun and tanning will not really affect your hair much because it is damaged. Try Sun n' Spray. It's a lemon jucie mixture that lightens your hair! You can buy it at Walmart.It needs to dry in the sun but it will not dammage your hair because it is a natrul way to do it. Also you should use a shampoo made for color damaged hair. Tigi's Bed Head Series is really good and I would recomend using Dumb Blond ( the name of the shampoo and conditioner). My mom uses that and he hair looks great!

I hope I helped.

Hair coloring disaster?

There are water based color removers that you can buy at a beauty supply it will lighten it up if you just colored your hair today. If you do it at home I would suggest have a friend help you to apply it evenly, as soon as it starts to lighten wash it out.

If you don't want to take the chance buy the product and go to the person who colored it. Maybe she'll help you out, they may have that same product in their shop.

Washing your hair everyday will help that dark color get light since your base color is blonde already.

Hair coloring disaster?

I put a dye over my highlights about three weeks ago , its was too dark at first but now it's alot lighter, you can see my highlights again.

Hair coloring disaster?

yeah it sucks when stuff like this happens but all i can say is sporting a pony tail might lead the eyes off you hair color and on your face, also you will get used to it a little. dying your hair anymore will just fry it, don't dye your hair untill it grows out a litlle and get some extra strenth conditioner. good luck girl with the hair, plus it's probaly not as bad as you think

Hair coloring disaster?

check the links below for * Hair coloring tips

check the links below for * Hair Dyeing Tips

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